Talks and screenings
Screening and discussion of The New Colossus, Visible Evidence XXVI conference, USC (2019).
Invited speaker, screening and discussion of Jack London and 216 Beach Walk, Waikiki, Huntington Library (2019).
Graduation Address, University of Aberdeen (2019).
Screening with panel discussion of 216 Beach Walk, Waikiki, Jack London conference, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2018).
Screening of The New Colossus and Q&A, The Incomers Film Festival, Dumfries (2018).
Invited speaker, screening with panel discussion of 216 Beach Walk, Waikiki, J20+ University of Hawaii (2018).
Video installation of 216 Beach Walk, Waikiki, Contact Exhibition, Honolulu Museum of Art School (2018).
Invited speaker, screening and discussion of Near the Palace, University of Hawaii (2018).
Invited speaker, screening and discussion of The Forgotten Jew in the City of Youth and In the Birch Grove, Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies at UCLA (2018).
Invited speaker, screening and discussion of The New Colossus, in Los Angeles for a session of The Council on Foreign Relations (2018).
Screening and panel discussion of The New Colossus, University of Aberdeen (2017).
Invited speaker, Let's Go to Dachau!: the representation of tourism at an iconic site, and screening of In Place of Death, University of Iceland (2016).
Speaker, Representing Post-Traumatic Space, Resnais Archipelago conference, Duke University, Durham, NC (2015).
Invited speaker, In the Birch Grove, and screening of In the Birch Grove, Columbia University, NY (2015).
Invited speaker, One Hot Day, and screening of One Hot Day video installation, University of Aberdeen library gallery (2015).
Invited speaker, Hiroshima: under the bomb 70 years on, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge (2015).
Invited speaker, Auschwitz: topography and affectivity of space, and screening of In the Birch Grove, Spaces of Memory and Performance conference, London (2014).
Invited speaker, Hiroshima: a filmic approach to a post-traumatic site, and screening of One Hot Day, University of Hawaii (2014).
Invited speaker, Rehabilitation of a Post-Traumatic Space, and screening of In Place of Death, University of Hawaii (2014).
Keynote speaker, Aestheticizing History on Film and screening of In the Birch Grove, Film, History and Public Memory conference, Derry, NI (2013).
Speaker, Snapshot Visual Ethnography, The Cemetery and Kafka’s Prague and screening of The Cemetery, Visible Evidence documentary conference, Stockholm (2013).
Keynote speaker, Thinking About Auschwitz in a Visual Context and screening of In the Birch Grove, Trauma and Memory conference, Portsmouth (2013).
Invited speaker, Auschwitz-Birkenau as Touristed Post-Traumatic Site and screening of In the Birch Grove, Brandeis University (2013).
Invited speaker, Auschwitz-Birkenau and its Visual Documentation and screening of In the Birch Grove, Brown University, Providence, RI (2013).
Invited speaker, Aspirational Architecture and Cultural Juxtapositions and screening of 85 Miles North of the Equator, Brown University (2013).
Invited speaker, Director’s Cut Masterclass on Filming Holocaust Sites and cinema screening at Belmont Picturehouse of In Place of Death and In the Birch Grove, in commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day, Aberdeen City Council (2013).
Delivered Graduation Welcome Address, School of Language and Literature, University of Aberdeen (2013).
Screening of The Memorial, Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual conference, Boston (2012).
Invited speaker, Guernica Reconsidered in the Light of Day, and screening of One Market Day, History of Art Department, University of Aberdeen (2012).
Invited speaker, In the Birch Grove: filming at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and screening of In the Birch Grove, King's College London (2012).
Invited speaker, Recovering Meaning in an Iconic Urban Terrain, and screening of One Market Day, at the FACT arts cinema, organized by the Centre for Architecture and Visual Arts, University of Liverpool (2011).
Invited speaker, Making Meaning from Memory, Film and Memory conference, University of Stirling (2011).
Invited speaker, The Fragility of Memory, and screening of In Place of Death, Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw (2011).
Invited speaker, Dachau/Munich as a Conceptual Urban Space, and screening of In Place of Death, Center for Holocaust Studies, Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (2011).
Plenary speaker, The Death of Six Million in Boston, and screening of The Memorial, Film, Philosophy and Death symposium, University of York (2011).
Invited speaker, Capturing Kafka: an observational glimpse, and screening of The Cemetery, University of York (2011).
Invited speaker, Frank Capra Fund Lecture, Dachau Today -- the concentration camp as tourist attraction, and screening of In Place of Death, Caltech, Pasadena, CA (2011).
Invited speaker, The City Square as Stage: cum nimis absurdum, and screening of The Ghetto, Caltech, Pasadena, CA (2011).
Invited speaker, Academic Vice-President’s Annual Lecture, Forgetting to Remember: the broken glass of historical assumptions, and screening of In Place of Death, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia (2010).
Invited speaker, The Ghetto and the politics of place, and screening of The Ghetto, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia (2010).
Invited speaker, Kristallnacht and Remembrance Day: a tale of two cousins, and screening of In Place of Death, St. Mary's University, Nova Scotia (2010).
Keynote speaker, A Film Practice Paradigm, and screening of The Ghetto, Creative Conflicts, University of Dundee (2010).
Invited talk and screening of In Place of Death, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge (2010).
Invited talk and screening of In Place of Death, Divinity School, University of Cambridge (2010).
Invited talk and screening of In Place of Death, Architecture School, University of Cambridge (2010).
Speaker, The Ghetto Unmapped, and screening of The Ghetto, Mapping, Memory and the City conference, University of Liverpool (2010).
Invited talk, The New College: Erskine’s Utopian Design, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge (2010).
Invited talk, Clare Hall and Erskine’s Utopian Architecture, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (2010).
Invited speaker, The Ghetto as City Symphony, Urban Cinematics, Cambridge University (2009).
Invited speaker, Bodies on Display: gender ambiguities and Riefenstahl’s Olympia, John Carlisle-Irving Lecture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (2009).
Invited speaker, In Time of Place and screening of In Place of Death, Centre for Transcultural Research and Media Practice, Dublin Institute of Technology (2009).
Invited speaker, A Survivor's Tale and Filming Contemporary Dachau, and screening of In Place of Death, University of Manchester (2008).
Invited speaker, When a Town is Called Dachau: urban reinvention and the stature of place and screening of In Place of Death, Manchester Architecture Research Centre (2008).
Invited speaker, The Holocaust: in harm’s way and screening of In Place of Death, University of Derby (2008).
Speaker, When We Forget: Dachau and the displacement of memory and screening of In Place of Death, Visible Memories conference, Syracuse University, NY (2008).
Invited speaker, In Time of Place and screening of In Place of Death, Narrascape workshop, Dept of Architecture, University of Cambridge (2008).
Speaker, In Absence of Memory, Cultural Memory conference, University of Kent (2008).
Keynote Speaker, The Interface Between Architecture and Cinema and screening of In Place of Death, Symposium on Cinema and Architecture, Haifa, Israel (2008)
Invited Speaker, A Tale of Two Cities: Dachau Observed and screening of In Place of Death, City in Film conference, Liverpool University (2008).
Keynote Speaker, Without Voice, In Place of Death and screening of In Place of Death, Practice-as-research documentary symposium, Edinburgh College of Art (2008).
Invited Speaker, Sensory Applications in Observational Cinema and screening of Beautiful Dachau, Harvard University (2007).
Invited Speaker, Beautiful Dachau: the tourism paradox and screening of Beautiful Dachau, Princeton University (2007).
Invited Speaker, Filming ‘Beautiful Dachau’ and screening of Beautiful Dachau, Bryn Mawr College (2007).
Invited Speaker, Dachau’s Architectural and Urban Integration and screening of Beautiful Dachau, Brown University (2007)
Keynote Speaker, Beautiful Dachau: practice-as-research and screening of Beautiful Dachau, MEICAM Memory and Conflict conference, Swansea. (2007).
Speaker, Observing Contemporary Dachau on Film, Beyond Text conference, University of Manchester (2007)
Speaker, Spatial Transfigurations in Beautiful Dachau and screening of Beautiful Dachau, Trans Visual Culture international conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison (2006).
Speaker, Imaging Urban Youth: New York City in the 1930s/40s, Photography and the City conference, University College Dublin (2006).
Invited Speaker, Robert Flaherty’s Nanook of the North – the Sequel, Cambridge University Film Seminar, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge(2006).
Deviser and Chair, Organizing Committee, Visualising the City, international conference, University of Manchester (2005).
Speaker, The Moral Divide: Riefenstahl & De Sica’s Urban Terrain, Visualising the City conference, University of Manchester (2005).
Speaker, Black Narcisus as Primal Drama, Michael Powell Centenary Conference, University of Wales, Bangor (2005).
Co-deviser and co-chair, Film Studies and the Popular, symposium, University of Manchester (2004).
Speaker, The Interracial Romance and Translucence of the Popular, Film Studies and the Popular symposium, University of Manchester (2004).
Invited speaker, Erskine’s Arctic Utopia, Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies lecture series, University of British Columbia (2003).
Invited plenary speaker, Films Without Words, international conference, Seeing Things, British Council, Tours, France (2001).
Invited plenary speaker, The Documentary Image, and chair of a day session at the ethnographic film festival, Emerging Voices, Isola del Cinema, Rome (2001).
Invited panel chair, National Identities, Alfred Hitchcock Centenary international conference, New York University (1999).
Invited paper, Robert Flaherty as Documentary Activist, Visible Evidence conference, University of California at Los Angeles (1999).
Invited speaker, Images of the Inuit, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge (1999).
Two invited papers, 'Land of the Long Day' Revisited, and Relocating Eden, at the 10th Inuit Studies Conference, St. John's, Canada (1996).
Invited paper, Imaging the Ahiarmiut, conference held at The British Museum, Imagining the Arctic:the native photograph in Alaska, Canada and Greenland (1996).
Invited plenary speaker, Robert Flaherty's 'Nanook of the North', Media Studies Conference, University of Burgundy, Dijon (1995).
Panel participant in session on The docu-drama film, European Media Conference, Manchester University (1994).
Invited speaker, public lecture series, Canadian Inuit – a people's transition, the Royal Geographical Society, London (1994).
Invited speaker, Scott Polar Research Institute public lecture series, Utopia on trial:Canadian Royal Commission investigation of a relocation, University of Cambridge (1993).
Invited paper, Political moves:relocating Inuit to reaffirm sovereignty, at a conference on socio-cultural change in the Arctic at Aarhus University in Denmark (1993).
Presentation as a member of a working group on Environmental narratives in London organized by the U.S. Social Science Research Council (1992).
Invited paper, Canada and the Inuit:historical revisions and cultural divisions, the annual London Conference on Canadian Studies (1992).
Invited paper, Canadian Inuit relocation experiments, Scott Polar Research Institute (1992).
Panel participant, The Inuit, Resolute Bay and the government era, 8th Inuit Studies Conference in Quebec City, Canada (1992).
Invited speaker, the University Seminar on Northern Studies, Out in the cold:the legacy of Canadian Inuit relocation experiments, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire (1992).
Invited speaker, The controversy over Canadian relocation experiments, Canadian Nordic Society, Ottawa (1992).